The Seattle Wine Awards is the first and most comprehensive independent wine recognition program in Washington State. The program’s focus was to help maintain the highest standards of integrity in the tasting and evaluating of Washington wines. The goals for the Wine Awards were to:

  • Provide a platform for wineries to compare their product to others in the industry,

  • Provide consumers a guide for purchasing Washington wines

  • Create a program that promoted Washington State as a great wine-producing region for local and international wine enthusiasts and professionals.

I worked on the Awards program from its inception to help it achieve over 1100 wine submissions each year, host multiple tasting events, and aided in elevating the awareness of the quality of Washington wines and wineries locally and internationally.


  • Logo Design

  • Print and Digital Award, Marketing, and Event Communications Design

  • Business Stationery Design

  • Media Sourcing Assistance

  • Print Coordination and Management

  • Event Photography